Week #2

This week

Most of the work this week included setting up a workflow with the art, music, and dev team to finalize collaborative deadlines and milestones for better efficiency, as well as setting baseline vision of the final product (MVP) for all members of the Gigaverse team.


The art team has prepared a 2k texture file for the colours to be used on models within the game. Although this file is not finalized yet, this will lead a great start for future revisions of the textures.

Deciding on a style

Our art team has been working on solidifying an aesthetic for the game. Here are some of the mood boards we've been putting together.


The music team has begun on discussing the ambiance of the game, to get an idea of exactly what types of SFX and music to make for the game.

Development work

Since the concept pitch, revisions were made on the project to fully integrate it with Unity's Input System package to make event-based input controls that are more efficient and smooth compared to the old input system. Furthermore, the controls for the game controller were mapped to the input system, creating the first draft of control mapping.


The beginnings of new features were added to the project, such as an inventory system to hold items for building structures within the game, as well as updated features to progress the game loop with enemy waves, introducing increasing level of difficulty to notify the player that they're progressing within the game. In addition, a new drone enemy has been implemented to increase the variety of enemies within the game and add flavour to the player's experience.

Essentials were added to the function of the game, such as the ability to restart the game upon death to avoid the freezing of the application.


This week, a great amount of time was dedicated to communicating with the art team to determine a base scale for all the new models. Since the game jam, when imported, the assets had to be scaled by hundreds of units. Therefore, research was conducted to compare the scale of previous models (game jam) from the Unity engine's built-in 3D models to inform future model development.

What's Next

  • Play testing our current build and collecting feedback
  • Complete the first batch of finalized models to be added to the environment
  • Complete the essential SFX and the main gameloop music
  • Finish essentials to make the game feel like and complete running game, such as a potential title screen, UI to inform the player of enemies and death, etc.


Version 2.0 (Week2 Concept) 26 MB
Oct 05, 2022

Get Road Work Ahead

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